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Free Physical Activity Festival 'TAKEPART' Returns To Brighton This Weekend

The city’s TAKEPART festival starts this weekend with sports and activities residents can try for free across the city.

Running from Saturday, June 22 to Sunday, July 7, TAKEPART is a chance for everyone to try out free sport, dance, exercise, and physical activity sessions.

The launch event will take place at Brighton's The Level on Saturday, June 22  from 11am until 5pm, with free workshops, sport, exercise, skateboarding lessons, dance and health and lifestyle checks. There will also be opportunities to speak to coaches and fitness experts. 

Brighton & Hove City Council is also launching the ‘Let’s Get Moving’ physical activity and sports strategy, with the vision for Brighton & Hove to be a city where everyone has the 'opportunity, encouragement, and environment to move more, live well and be healthy'. 

The council says the aim is to make Brighton & Hove one of the nation’s most active cities.

The strategy is available on the council website at: 

As well as the Festival launch event there will be three TAKEPART local events. Families are being encouraged to visit The Crew Club and Carden Park on June 29 and Hangleton Park on July 6, where there will be showcases for activities in the local area. 

More than 50 local groups are providing taster sessions for people of all ages and abilities across the city.  

All the events and activities are free to join with something for all ages and abilities. 

Activities at the launch event are drop-in, but some others during the festival need to be booked in advance. Check before turning up.

The full programme of activities for TAKEPART festival of active living is available here: 

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