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Adele's January Burnout

If you suffer from high blood pressure, dizzy spells, pains in your chest or joint problems, if you are on medication or pregnant or have had a baby in the last 6 months, you should seek advice from your doctor before beginning any form of exercise.

It's another New Year and another chance to make that annual change for the better. Here's Adele's handy guide to starting this year slightly better flexed than the last one finished.

Make sure you are properly warmed up before you try the fifteen minute burnout.

Try it three times a week and see the difference inside a month.


Begin with press-ups against a wall, then press-ups from the knee up, and only do full press-ups when feeling stronger. To make the challenge harder, try press-ups with your feet raised on a bench or a stability ball.


Make sure your hands touch the ground each time, get your bottom low, then spring back up.


Using alternate legs to lead, lunge forward and lower your hips down to the level of your front knee. To increase the challenge hold a dumbbell to add a little weight and work the muscles a little harder.


Stand with heels and toes together and and stretch up on tip-toes, reach for the sky. To make it harder use a dumbbell.


Lie on your back. Lift one leg just off the ground and extend it out. Lift the other leg and bend your knee towards your chest. As you do this twist through your core so the opposite arm comes towards the raised knee. There's no need for the elbow to touch the knee, instead focus on moving through your core as your torso turns. Slow the movement down to make it harder.

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