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If You Ask Me: The Pothole Gardener

Flo Whitaker

Are you considering a garden makeover? Wondering about this year’s fashionable horticultural craze? It’s called ‘Pothole Gardening', says Flo Whitaker

An ‘entrepreneur’ with a steaming pile of asphalt in his flat-bed truck, rang the doorbell recently, and asked if I wanted my driveway resurfaced. “No, thanks” I said, “But you can fill in those potholes if you like”. He let off a stream of expletives as he departed, ending with, “I don’t work for the flippin’ council, luv!”

In my capacity as gardening correspondent of this magazine, I’ve written about many horticultural aspects over the years; from traditional themes to the latest trends, but I think I’ve just invented a new genre - Pothole Gardening.

The potholes outside my house have been there for donkey’s years. Whenever another massive construction lorry rumbles over them, or wintery weather attacks the road surface, they grow a little more; slowly… slowly… you scarcely notice their increasing size, but I’ve just measured the largest one and it’s pretty deep and almost 2 metres long. Hardly Grand Canyon status, but still impressive.

The economic forecast continues to be dire and the council are responsible for thousands of miles of highways, so I daresay the potholes will be here forever. They’re in a straight-ish line on a gentle slope, giving the perfect opportunity for a water feature, perhaps? I could run an electrical cable from the garage to power a recirculating pump, with a small fountain in the highest pothole for a charming cascade effect, then incorporate native waterside plants to provide a wildlife habitat. A trellis fence and rose arch, (illuminated with hazard lights at night, obviously - I’m not daft) would allow for climbing plants.

A rustic bench could be provided for passing walkers, who might care to dip their weary feet into the cooling stream as they admire the resident otters and kingfishers. Alas, there probably isn’t space for a picnic table - but you can’t have everything…

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