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Win A Place On The Wolf Pack For Girls Programme 2024

Writer's picture: jamiecrow2jamiecrow2

Updated: Jan 17, 2024

We're exceptionally excited to announce we have a single place up for grabs on this adventurous journey throughout 2024 for girls aged between 13 and 15.

Do you have a teenage girl who yearns to experience freedom and independence, and wants to go on the adventure of a lifetime?

Organised and run by Wild Guides and mentors Chris Packe and Elena Harris, Wolf Pack is a year's journey for a tribe of girls becoming women, aged 13-15 years (academic Years 9 to 11).

They take place during half terms and school holidays through the seasons, in beautiful environments in Sussex, Dartmoor and the Peak District.

Risk, challenges and meaningful shared experience in the warm company of strong role models and fellow adventurers are vitally important for young people, to discover their huge capabilities, what they might stand for, and to develop a deep-seated self-reliance.

Wolf Pack exists to facilitate deep encounters, learning through experiences in the natural world at the edge of comfort and ability, where the magic happens.

The adventure begins in the woods, travels through wild Devon moorland, steps it up further in the Peaks and culminates with a final Fire Quest. Skills learned include bush-craft and survival skills, campcraft, navigation, foraging, nature awareness - but the beauty of quality, immersive time in nature is that it tends to offer up exactly the lesson a person needs at the time... but often does not expect.

Wolf Pack invites you to come and discover the vast resources already inside you, learn new skills, make new friends, discover new possibilities and perhaps take an important step or two in the journey of adulthood.

THE JOURNEYS IN 2024 (13 days in total across the year):

May 25-27 (Sat-Mon) - The Woods, Sussex: Establish the tribe, bush-craft, campcraft, fire-craft, day games, night games

July 25-27 (Thurs-Sat) - The Moor, Devon: A 3-day expedition into wild Dartmoor, travelling and sleeping light, putting our skills to work

August 24-27 (Sat-Tue) - The Hills, Peak District: A more challenging 4-day expedition, stepping it up from the Dartmoor experience

October 19-21 (Sat-Mon) - The Forest, Sussex: Culmination event including a Fire Quest

And once it's all done, it's not necessarily all over. Graduates of the Wolf Pack programme (boys and girls) can choose to join the Wolf Pack All Stars mountain expedition in the Lake District in April the following year. This is a five-day trip for age 15+, that takes their Wolf Pack experience and applies it to a bigger, higher, epic mountain trip.

Right now Chris and Elena are offering one teenage girl (aged between 13-15)* the chance to take a place on this exclusive programme, so if you are the parent or guardian of a teenager who'd like to take part, just fill in our quick entry form.

The competition closes on Friday March 22 at which point we will select a winner at random from the entries and Chris will contact the nominated parent or guardian to go through the booking process. Please make sure you have read the below process and are sure that your nominated entry would like to embark on the trip before entering them - best of luck!

Other important information can be found on Chris's website here for videos, testimonials from previous people on the programme, references, FAQs and lots of other resources.


1. Get in touch with Chris/Chris will be in touch with the competition winner (use the contact details on Chris's website) - please make sure you leave your direct email and phone number)

2. Conversation between parent / guardian and Chris

3. Chris meets / Zooms / speaks with the potential participant, to break the ice, and allow her to find out for herself from Chris what it's about so she can make her decision

4. Further due diligence is available for parents who do not yet know Chris well, in the form of a pack of references from previous parents, available on request

5. Once all are happy, and the participant has decided for themselves that they want to join in, we can go ahead with the booking.

*Please note that Hidden or Total Sense Media has no responsibility or influence over the selection process or selection parameters such as age or gender for the Wolf Pack programme and is sorely responsible for promoting this competition only.



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